Find vegan meals anywhere in England

Discover vegan meals that match your preferences.

  • Manchester
  • Curries
  • Vegan
  • No Honey

Helping vegans in England to find meals that cater to their diet and tastes.

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We get it.

Finding great vegan food isn't always easy. It can be frustrating when you're offered "vegetarian" dishes that contain dairy. And let's be honest, not everyone even likes falafel, right? One more "mixed salad" alternative and you might just go mad. We believe that in the 21st century, vegans should have access to a wide variety of meals tailored to their tastes and budgets, all within seconds. And guess what? Now you can.

Did you know?


Vegan pizzas in Colchester


Vegan masalas in Norwich


Vegan mac'n'cheese in London


Vegan burgers in Oxford

Truly vegan food

Just select Vegan as your FoodStyle, and we'll show you where all the vegan-friendly meals are hiding throughout England. Our vegan preset is pretty strict by default, but if you want to see dishes with honey, certain cheeses, or any specific ingredient, simply adjust your settings. Similarly, you can exclude any ingredients you don't like. Our app is created with the help of food scientists, so we won't show you naan bread or baklava unless you instruct us to include eggs. If we're ever uncertain whether a dish includes a non-vegan-friendly ingredient, we'll flag it with warnings so you can seek guidance from the restaurant. If you don't want to eat vegan at every mealtime, just swipe to another preset like Vegetarian or Pescetarian, or any other custom diet whenever you like.

FoodStyles is here to help you discover delicious vegan meals that cater to your preferences.

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Manchester Vegan
  • Select your preset
  • Add your tastes
  • Discover vegan meals
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